A Few Good Knights - Expansions
I have 3 expansions in development for A Few Good Knights.
1) Side Quests (Mini Expansion):
Additional Components: 16 Side Quest Cards and 4 Location Cards.
Gameplay: Players can attempt to complete Side Quests during the game by completing dice challenges (rolling specific sets of symbols). Completing a Side Quest grants a gold rewards and Renown Bonus!
Free For All - Add to the base game. Adds a few more actions to the game. Players earn Renown through the standard means, but can also collect up to 2 Side Quest Cards that they can attempt to complete for additional gold.
Solo/Cooperative Mode - The player(s) must complete a certain amount of Side Quests to win the game.
2) The Princess Cut (Mini Expansion) -
Additional Components: 4 Location Cards (same as Side Quests) and 4 Ring Cards (Sapphire Ring, Emerald Ring, Amethyst Ring, and Ruby Ring.
Gameplay: Players can use their roll results to collect or steal rings from other players. Players that return with one or more of the Princesses’ Lost Rings will earn additional Renown.
3) The Barons Quest -
Additional Components: 8 Quest Cards, 4 Monster Encounter Cards, 4 Goblin Rider Cards, 1 Goblin King Card, 6 double sided Baron’s Village Upgrade Cards, 6 double sided Baron’s Village Reference Cards, additional Item and Potion Cards.
Gameplay: Play through a series of 8 Quests in a SOLO or COOPERATIVE adventure. Help your Baron earn Prestige with each quest you complete. Use the Prestige to level up the Village to earn additional persistent perks to use as the questline continues. Or just play each of the 8 Quests as standalone games.